Monday, May 30, 2011

The Laws of Living

Making Monday

The nine Laws of Making are divided into three sets of three. The first three are called the Laws of Understanding, the second three are the Laws of Living, and the last three are the Laws of Transcendence.

Understanding and transcendence arguably have more to do with making than living. And the middle set looks even more out of place when we look at the the laws:

What is the relationship between hope, faith, charity, and living?

My grandfather, a carpenter who took pride in being fit, liked to laugh at the high school athletes who could sprint faster than him but couldn't keep up when he put in a full day's work.

I've talked about makers and users in terms of our nature--implying we're either one or the other. But the truth is we are both. What matters over the long run is where you spent the most time.

Put another way, like the high school sprinters, many people can be makers for a time. Keeping at it across weeks and months and years is another matter.

A maker isn't made in a day.

The second trio of the Laws of Making is about living because hope, faith, and charity are the qualities that sustain you as a maker.

Image: Bill Longshaw /

1 comment:

  1. "A maker isn't made in a day." Now this is something I must pin to my clothes everyday. Great!


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